Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So Yeah, I Made a Key Lime Pie

5 Comments left by hungry people
My mother came over with a Key Lime pie for my husband's birthday. It was fabulous. We've had Key Lime in Key West, and hers was a solid '10'. It was tart and think and delicious. I knew she would never make another one in a couple of weeks. When we have something great it's all we can think about and within a couple of weeks we are jonesing (spell check wanted me to change 'jonesing' to 'jousting' - or indonesia- what the heck?) for it again.

As it turns out, I was out and about last Thursday when I spoke with my mother and found out she was indeed making another Key Lime Pie! Except she needed? Lime. Okay then, this is totally typical for us. I told her I would bring one on my way home. (Reason #7 why it's great to live around the corner from your mother - bringing stuff home to each other in a pinch.) I made the drop off. She made no mention of sharing the pie, but I had bought the stuff to make one myself, so I was only a little hurt.

Short story long? I made my Key Lime Pie. I started with a graham cracker crust pre-made from the store. I justified this by telling myself this way the crust was a sure thing - all I had to learn was the pie. I used the recipe from Mar-a-Lago, which was the same one mom used. I followed it exactly. I even set a timer for the whipping times.

Mine is a little more light and fluffy than mom's was. I bet she adjusted her mixer speed (lowered it) like the KitchenAid book says to do. I didn't because I expected the folks at Mar-a-Lago had a mixer at least as powerful as ours. My flavor was absolutely perfect. Next time I will do the crust myself. It looks like a no-brainer, and I have no excuse now not to do it.

Try something new and unexpected. You'll probably be glad you did.

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Background and cupcake design: Tiny-Dreamers Ebay store, Sprinkles digital scrapbooking kit