Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Something Wonderful Has Happened!
I have been looking to purchase another 9x9 pan all these years. Scouring the internet, factory outlet stores, discount stores, department stores, specialty stores. No luck.
Yesterday I was just minding my own business in JCPenney and what did I spy? A 9x9 ceramic baking dish! Close enough, pal! I can make my soon-to-be-famous-again hot fudge pudding cake again.
It's a Christmas Miracle!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So Yeah, I Made a Key Lime Pie
As it turns out, I was out and about last Thursday when I spoke with my mother and found out she was indeed making another Key Lime Pie! Except she needed? Lime. Okay then, this is totally typical for us. I told her I would bring one on my way home. (Reason #7 why it's great to live around the corner from your mother - bringing stuff home to each other in a pinch.) I made the drop off. She made no mention of sharing the pie, but I had bought the stuff to make one myself, so I was only a little hurt.
Short story long? I made my Key Lime Pie. I started with a graham cracker crust pre-made from the store. I justified this by telling myself this way the crust was a sure thing - all I had to learn was the pie. I used the recipe from Mar-a-Lago, which was the same one mom used. I followed it exactly. I even set a timer for the whipping times.
Mine is a little more light and fluffy than mom's was. I bet she adjusted her mixer speed (lowered it) like the KitchenAid book says to do. I didn't because I expected the folks at Mar-a-Lago had a mixer at least as powerful as ours. My flavor was absolutely perfect. Next time I will do the crust myself. It looks like a no-brainer, and I have no excuse now not to do it.
Try something new and unexpected. You'll probably be glad you did.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Congratulations Betty, Big Winner of the Keurig B60 Brewer
Hooray for Betty! She won the Keurig B60 Coffee Brewer!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fancy Fortune Cookies Giveaway!

Oh boy are you lucky today! Fancy Fortune Cookies has offered one of my readers ONE HUNDRED personalized fortune cookies of your choice! I wish I could win!
To be fair, they did send me a couple cookies of a few different flavors to taste. Oh my ganache, they were so good! I loved the mint, and let me tell you I did not plan to love the mint. I really loved them all and really need to eat many more before I could possibly do them justice in a description. I don't even know if I can choose a favorite. They need to make these things into ice cream cones and then send me like a kajillion of them for giving them the idea. *hint*
Okay, now that I'm done with all my not-so-subliminal-messagin' let me get on with it.

Want to hear something really fun? You can choose your own customized message to put inside the cookies! I think that is the bees knees!
I hope you checked out the site because there is all sorts of great stuff. They have a weekly giveaway from the people on their Friends List, which can be found on the left. There is also an impressive bunch of celebrities who love their forutne cookies, from Oprah to Dustin Hoffman.
Here is how you can enter to win:
Follow me on twitter - 1 entry
Fave this blog on technorati - 1 entry
Follow this blog on blogger - 1 entry
Follow my other blogs on blogger - 1 entry per blog
Subscribe to this blog via email or reader - 1 entry
Subscribe to my any of my blogs via email or reader - 1 entry per blog
Put my buttons on your blog - 3 entries per button
Blog about this giveaway - 5 entries
Add my Giveaway to a Mr.Linky, Sweepstakes site, etc. Leave the link. - 5 entries each
Make a drop on my entrecard -1 entry per day
Send me cookies 100 entries (just kidding)
And of course you can always earn daily entries by posting on twitter. - up to two entries daily
Here is one you can use:
Fancy Fortune Cookies giveaway at Funnel Full of Soup. Win 100 with your own personalize message! Please RT
*If you digg, stumble, kirtsy, share on a message board, email friends, or whatever else please let me know what you did and take another entry.
*Please be certain to claim each entry by leaving one comment per entry earned.
* You can find my other blogs listed across the top "If You Could See What I See" "Auntie Kitten" & "Suck/Rock"
*Click on my banner or the "Home" link to see a list of my giveaways and see what my friends are giving away.
There are more fancy fortune cookies to be won at News Around the Blogs.
Guess what? Mission Mommy has a giveaway for you, too.
Would you like another chance to win? Try Frugal Plus for a $50 gc to Fancy Fortune Cookies.
Mom Talk with Three Kids and Us has a giveaway as well. Check out her Giant and Fancy Fortune Cookies.
Diana Rambles about Giant Fortune Cookies with a giveaway as well.
Brea's Mommy is also having a giveaway for Fancy Fortune Cookies on her blog!
You can also enter to win Fancy Fortune Cookies from Pour Some Sugar on Me.
She Scribes also has a giveaway from Giant Fortune Cookies and Fancy Fortune Cookies!
Monsters in My House has Fancy Fortune Cookies to giveaway on her blog!
Know who else is giving away Fancy Fortune Cookies? I Like it Frantic, that's who!
Blessings Abound is also giving away 100 Fancy Fortune Cookies.
Oh boy! Here's Stepmom Extraordinaire with a Fancy Fortune Cookie giveaway.
Guess who else is giving away Fancy Fortune Cookies? Simply Being Mommy, that's who!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Rubbermaid 20 Piece Set - Giveaway
We have a winner! The randomizer chose #136 this morning. Congratulations to Kiddiescorner who said:
Your button is in my and even more blogs blogroll

Rubbermaid sent me this twenty piece set to try out. It has four different product types inside. Each one is so doggone nifty I could rave about them all.

I will start with my personal favorite: The Produce Saver.
I used to bring home cilantro and in two or three days it was time for the trash. Since I got Rubbermaid Produce Savers my cilantro has lasted a week and even longer. I think I used some two weeks after purchase! Unheard of pre-produce savers. Hooray!

The Easy Find Lids are truly what we have all needed since containers were invented. I don't know about you, but I do not live alone. These 'other people' tend to toss stuff in the cupboards when they bother to 'put them away' at all. I am constantly saying "This had a lid just two days ago. Where could it be?" Every lid should be an Easy Find Lid. The good news? The other types of containers have easy find lids as well. Thank you Rubbermaid!

I Love these! I can close a container and give it to anyone and trust them to carry it without the bottom magically falling to the ground. It's good for anyone who is not quite sure when their container is well sealed. Just click the sides into place on your Rubbermaid Lock-It, and you are in good shape.

Here is what the set looks like in the box: I've seen it at Sam's Club for an AMAZING bargain.

Rubbermaid was kind enough to offer a set for me to share with the class, as well.
Here's what you do to win a set of your very own:
Go to the Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids site. Tell me what you would like to keep fresher this summer and which one of the products you would use to do it.
Extra Entries:
Follow me on twitter - 1 entry
Fave this blog on technorati - 1 entry
Follow this blog on blogger - 1 entry
Follow my other blogs on blogger - 1 entry per blog
Subscribe to this blog via email or reader - 1 entry
Subscribe to my any of my blogs via email or reader - 1 entry per blog
Put my buttons on your blog - 3 entries per button
Blog about this giveaway - 5 entries
Make a drop on my entrecard -1 entry per day
Send me cookies 100 entries (just kidding)
Here is one you can use:
A Rubbermaid 20 Piece Set will keep you fresher this summer. Giveaway @ Funnel Full Of Soup:
*If you digg, stumble, kirtsy, share on a message board, email friends, or whatever else please let me know what you did and take another entry.
*Please be certain to claim each entry by leaving one comment per entry earned.
* You can find my other blogs listed across the top "If You Could See What I See" "Auntie Kitten" & "Suck/Rock"
*Click on my banner or the "Home" link to see a list of my giveaways and see what my friends are giving away.
Giveaway will run through July 3rd, 2009.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Keurig B60 (Special Edition) Giveaway from

Enter Joe at He generously donated a Special Edition B60 to one of you lucky devils! A $129.00 value, and a bargain at that price!
Programmable LCD Message Center
Removable 48oz. Water Reservoir
Removable Drip Tray
Blue backlit LCD & Water Reservoir
Chrome Accents
Here are just a couple of the deals shown on their site:
Free shipping with a $60 or more order.
Order $75 or more of Keurig K-cups and they will give you a seasonal sampler free.
Free Green Mountain Rolling Cooler with the purchase of any brewer.
This is a wonderful prize, so let me get on with telling you how you can win!
In order to enter to win you must do this:
1. Go to and look at the varieties of K-cups they carry. Come back here and tell me which two varieties you would want first.
For extra entries you may:
Follow Shoffee Joe on twitter. -2 entries
Tweet the following: is sponsoring a giveaway for a Special edition Keurig B60 Get your coffee fix from Shoffee @Shofee_Joe
You may tweet up to twice a day for one entry each time.
Become a fan of Shoffee on facebook. - 2 entries
Become a fan of Sam Pler on facebook. - 2 entries
Follow me on twitter - 1 entry
Fave this blog on technorati - 1 entry
Follow this blog on blogger - 1 entry
Follow my other blogs on blogger - 1 entry per blog
Subscribe to this blog via email or reader - 1 entry
Subscribe to my any of my blogs via email or reader - 1 entry per blog
Put my buttons on your blog - 3 entries per button
Blog about this giveaway - 5 entries
Make a drop on my entrecard -1 entry per day
Add my Giveaway to a Mr.Linky, Sweepstakes site, etc. Leave the link. - 5 entries each
Send me cookies 100 entries (just kidding)
And of course you can always earn up to 2 daily entries by tweeting up to twice a day.
*If you digg, stumble, kirtsy, share on a message board, email friends, or whatever else please let me know what you did and take another entry.
*Please be certain to claim each entry by leaving one comment per entry earned.
* You can find my other blogs listed across the top "If You Could See What I See" "Auntie Kitten" & "Suck/Rock"
*Click on my banner or the "Home" link to see a list of my giveaways and see what my friends are giving away.
*Prizes will only be shipped to a U.S. or Canadian address. The giveaway will go through Friday, July 17th.
Two of my friends will also be giving away a Keurig B60 provided by Please go enter their giveaways as well:
Auntie Thesis
My Organized Chaos Keurig Platinum Giveaway.
Mommy23Monkeys also has a giveaway for a Keurig.
Oh boy! Another Keurig giveaway at Look What Mom Found!
The Giveaway has a Keurig giveaway as well!
This is not a compensated post. It is a giveaway to benefit my readers.


If you suffer from bagnesia: a person’s forgetfulness to grab their reusable bags, you’re not alone…
Symptom: You often find yourself standing at the register regretting that you left your reusable bags in the car or worse yet, at home.
Cure: The bagnesia reminder kit which contains simple, effective products that work together so you never forget to take your reusable bags into the store again.
Bagnesia’s reminder kit includes…
• Compact Reusable Bag- smaller than most cell phones, designed to easily stow in your purse or glove compartment
• Door Hanger- place it where you typically exit your home so you can remember to put your bags in the car*
• Steering Wheel Wrap- strategically placed at eye level to remind the driver on the go*
• Wrist Lanyard Key Chain- your printed reminder is attached to your keys to remind you as you exit your car before going into the store *
• Carabineer Clip- to conveniently clip your bag onto your belt loop, water bottle or even your key chain
*imprinted with bagnesia’s tag line “Grab your Bags!”™
Longtime friends, Pam Eatrides and Caprice Ericson developed Bagnesia’s Reminder Kit to keep from forgetting their own reusable bags. These products are great for anyone striving to be more environmentally friendly by eliminating plastic bags or paper bags from their life.
People want to be socially responsible. Using even one less plastic or paper bag can make a difference in the future of our world, starting today.
For more information, please visit us at
The above is not a paid/endorsed post. It is a press release from Bagnesia. Because I think their idea is clever, and their products necessary, I posted it here on my blog. I love sharing good things with you. How do you remember to take your bags to the car and into the store?
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Three of One, One of Another

When I saw I had more awards I was a little scared at first. We all know what happened last time. Did I mention I am still waiting to hear back from the kids? I think they worked out a screenplay and are just waiting to film when Reese Witherspoon is free to play me in the movie. That's got to be it, right? Right? Anyway...
Let's just all simmer down and take me way seriously for a while, shall we?
No, longer than that!
You know what? Forget I asked.
My Fairy Blog Mother Annette, who would totally be my patron saint if I were Catholic, gave me this award:

I'm going to take it easy on all of us and just choose a few. There are so many neat-0 blogs.
1. Carolyn in Carolina
2. Okay. Fine. Dammit
3. Motherhood in NYC
4. Katherine Unabridged
5. I Need A Martini Mom
This is really taking a long time because I go to one of the blogs I love, then I start reading everything, and later I'm like "Oh yeah..." So now I have like thirteen windows open so I can go back and read stuff when I'm done.

The rules for this one stated:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
1. Megan's Cookin
2. Luv A Bargain
3. Cute & Fun Art RKdsign
4. Tips & Treasures
5. Jenn Cooks
6. Cinnamon, Spice & Everything Nice
7. Barefoot Foodie
8. Picky Palate
9. Whimsical Creations
10. None of Your Beeswax
11. La Fuji Mama
12. A Duck In Her Pond
13. Rose Petals and Rust
14. An Enchanted Cottage
15. The Lettered Cottage
Am I the only one who sees when you put these two awards together it makes this?:

Monday, June 01, 2009
Cascade Water Bottle Giveaway

The Cascade Water Bottle...
•Is made of 18/8 Marine Grade stainless steel.
•The screw top lid is made of 100% BPA-free plastic.
•Is available in both 12oz and 22oz.
•Features several lid and accessory options.
•Has a loop for easy attachment to pack clips or straps.
•Fits in most bike cages and cup holders.
•Is available in multiple colors and designs.
•Is dishwasher safe. However, we recommend hand washing the lid.
•22oz bottle available now.
•12oz bottle available Summer 2009.
Get 50% off any Cascade Stainless Steel Water bottle when you spend $9.99 or more! Coupon Code: summer09. You can even pay with paypal.
Pacific Cornetta is offering one 22 oz. stainless steel water bottle of your choice and one other product of your choice to one lucky winner.
**Mandatory entry**:
Follow me on twitter
Fave this blog on technorati
Follow this blog on blogger
Follow my other blogs on blogger
Subscribe to this blog via email or reader
Subscribe to my any of my blogs via email or reader
Put my buttons on your blog - 2 entries per button
Blog about this giveaway - 3 entries
Make a drop on my entrecard 1 (you may do this daily)
Send me cookies 100 entries (just kidding)
And of course you can always earn up to 2 daily entries by tweeting up to twice a day. Here is one you can use:
*If you digg, stumble, kirtsy, share on a message board, email friends, or whatever else please let me know what you did and take another entry.
*Please be certain to claim each entry by filling out the entry form one time per entry earned. (Contest Machine can not choose a winner from the comments section of my blog)
* You can find my other blogs listed across the top "If You Could See What I See" "Auntie Kitten" & "Suck/Rock"
*Click on my banner or the "Home" link to see a list of my giveaways and see what my friends are giving away.
*Prizes will only be shipped to a U.S. address. The giveaway will go through Sunday, June 14th. I will still allow entries until whatever time I actually do the drawing on Monday, June 15th. Good luck!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Interviews With Friends
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Somebody's Mother's Gourmet Dessert Sauce Lucky Winners!

Congratulations, You guys are going to go crazy for these!
Now if everyone took this advice: "If at first you don't succeed, do it the way your Mother told you". Mom's life would be so much easier! caramel sauce YUMMY
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Somebody's Mother Makes Amazing Sauces!

It's difficult to write this blog post. I'll tell you why. Because all I can think about (at 8:30 in the morning, no less) is this caramel sauce. I mean, really. It is that good. It is already my favorite. I have to admit coming up with a favorite sauce from the three choices is like trying to choose your favorite cute snugly puppy. They are all wonderful.
I expected to like chocolate best. I am a chocolate hound, you see. So I tried chocolate first and declared chocolate the winner. Then I tried the caramel. By 'then', I mean about three seconds later. I declared caramel the winner. Next (another three seconds later) I tried White Chocolate with Pear William. Guess what? It was my new favorite! Then I thought about drinking the caramel sauce, but I had left it in the kitchen. Instead I was civilized and just licked the bowl I had used for the caramel. Bowl licking is not normal around these parts, but that was before Somebody's Mother was involved. Somebody's Mother's Sauces are the best I have ever had. Sure, I make a passable caramel sauce myself. I can even take it to pot luck type things. One time a lady even poured it on her tortilla wraps. Somebody's Mother's sauces put mine to shame.
I think today I am going to make myself a banana split just so I can have all three sauces on ice cream. I simply have to share them with my eighty-three year old grandparents, too. They know what good is. I am sure they will recognize these sauces as good right away.
Do you want to know what else is neat about Somebody's Mother's sauces? Their website. Yes, I said website. It shows the reason behind the business and it says a lot about the people behind the company. You can go straight to their store to order, but I would recommend stopping by the website. There is a book there, which you can read right now. It's free! There is a music download, also free. The song was written about the chocolate sauce. How many websites have you visited where you can download free books and music? I mean, what more do you want?
I know what you might like. How about a chance to win some for yourself?
Somebody's Mother has generously offered three prizes:
First Prize: Somebody's Mother's Hexagonal-Shaped Gift Box
Second Prize: Somebody's Mother's Two Jar "Tube"
Third Prize: One jar of your choice: Chocolate, Caramel, or White Chocolate w/pear William
I sort of feel sorry for whoever wins third prize because choosing will be such a daunting task. But maybe not. I mean, if you have never tried the sauces before you will not realize what it really means to choose between them.
The Somebody's Mother's Gift Box will be specially discounted 10 percent from April 20 to May 10 in honor of Mother's Day!
Okay, here is how you enter to win: Go to Somebody's Mother's website and come back here to leave a comment about your favorite lidlet or something from the book you liked. Then tell me which flavor you will choose if you win the third place prize.
For additional entries you can do the following (please leave a separate comment for each entry)
Follow SomebodysMother on twitter and tweet about this contest. Here is one you can use if you like: @SomebodysMother makes delicious sauces. I just entered a giveaway to win some of them.You can enter @ Please RT
Tweet up to two times a day for up to two entries a day.
Follow my blog on blogger.
Subscribe via email or a reader.
Fave me on technorati Or digg, stumble, whatever this post.
Add my button to your blog. (2 entries)
Mention this giveaway on your blog. (5 entries)
Good luck!
Entries accepted through May 20th, 2009. Winners will be contacted via email.
Friday, May 01, 2009
4 Winners
#94 Naddez
#51 TheGourmetGirl
#166 AngelFabs
#84 pestkaj
Congratulations to the winners! I hope you enjoy your delicious treats.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Because My Fairy Blog Mother Said So, That's Why!

List 7 things that make you Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love.Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen who tagged you.
Can I get like a sticker or a t-shirt or a badge or something? I like things to be official. Thank you Fairy Blog Mother. <--- Hear this like a chorus of children saying it in unison, that's pretty much how it sounds in my head. Not that I am admitting to hearing voices or anything. Except to tell you how they sound. Hmmmm..... Seven things that make me awesome? Let me go poll the children. Via text message, of course, which is their preferred method of communication. For the sake of clarity, these children are aged 16-23. Response #1: "? What?" - Not exactly what I was hoping for... let's move on to... Response #2: "The fact that you will get your son a new phone as an act of kindness =]" Respondents 3 & 4 Must be taking a long time because there are so many things to list. It is going to be difficult to narrow this down to seven things. I can tell already. Respondent #1 seems to be a bit hung up now, too. I wonder if they all need new phones?
#1 has finally come back with an answer (wise-guy) She says "Your kids." I'm through with her for now. But wait until she has a blog to write, see how much help I decide to be.
Respondents 3 & 4 are still mum. I guess they took this as more of an essay question. It could take a few weeks to really write a good paper titled "What makes mom awesome." I will just pencil them in as 'pending'.
Response #3: pending
Response #4: pending
Clearly, these people have never met me or something.
I think maybe we should forget about the children. (Possibly for a long long time, like let them starve.)
Let me think... What do people say about me? Other people think I am awesome. Right? Anyone? ANYone? Is this thing on? Oh, hi Annette. It's just you out there, all alone tonight.
Fine, I'll do it myself.
1. I can pick up things with my toes. Monkey toes = awesome.
2. I love babies and my puppy. They love me, too. The puppy is pretty doggone human. Not sure if that is important at all or not. Just thought I would throw it in. Also? I said 'doggone' about the puppy. *snicker* Which takes us to #3
3. I'm clever. Often funny. Sometimes downright hilarious. (Sometimes even on purpose!)
4. I admit when I am wrong. It's rare enough I can afford to be generous. ;)
5. I bake good bread. I am loved for my bread. And mini cupcakes which aren't really cupcakes but I don't know what else to call them. People love those, too.
6. Gosh. Two more? Really? I can turn anything into a song. And any song into a differnt song. Even people who know me well do not really know this about me. It's more like a superpower. Secret n' stuff.
6.1 Because it was hard to come up with 7 and I did and then I remembered I was gonna say: I know how to find out about things. I am a wealth of information. People really dig this about me.
7. I am a girl. I like being a girl. I like being treated like a girl. I like who I am. This is what really, certainly, honestly, makes me awesome.
So there ya go. If you think this was easy, you are dead wrong.
I will pass it along to seven people so awesome they will not have the same trouble I had.
1. Michelle @ AutnieThesis
2. Jessica @ I Like
3. Carolyn @ Carolyn in Carolina
4. Erin Jean @ From Son Up To Son Down
5. Amy @ Resourceful Mommy
6. Erin @ It's Your Movie, You Can Sing If You Want To
7. Tiffany @ The R Family Diaries
And now for the 2nd Award: The Zombie Chicken Award!

The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all...
Now, I am not one to argue with the zombie chickens. Never, not once, have I had a spat with zombie chickens. I pride myself on my ability to get along with all zombie chickens. So, without further adieu, here are the Five blogs lucky enough to be chosen by me for this award:
1. Stimeyland
2. The Pioneer Woman
3. It's Your Movie
4. The Bloggess
5. Bern This
Sadly, I fully expect somewhere between 1-5 of the blogs mentioned above will ignore this. But this is about you getting good blogs to read, so there they are. I know one blog was in both categories, but that is because, well, one blog is in both.
Note to Stimey: I'm sorry about all of this. First it was your eyeballs falling out (or at least the threat of it) and now I'm sending zombie chickens after you. It was not planned. Really. Also? My mom did read the blog entry about the note (the one I begged her not to read) and she thought it was funny.
Update: It has been over an hour and children 3 & 4 have still not responded. It's obvious they are putting a lot of thought into this.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fairy Blog Mother Indeed!
Right now there are buttons which do not work and other things to be fixed. But you can enter the giveaway and leave comments about how pretty everything looks.
***Also, you can take three extra entries in the giveaway for adding my button to your blog.***
Update: I think everything should be working fine now. If you come across anything quirky please let me know so I can work on it. Thanks!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Just Because
Just because the urge hit me, right now, at 11:40 PM on a Sunday night, I am going to have a contest. Four winners will each get a dozen cupcake pops, made by me. You can see a lot more about these cute little goodies by looking at the previous few entries on this page. You can even see how to make them. Your cupcakes will probably not have the sticks in them. This is because I think they will travel more securely without the sticks. They are too cute to get all squished.
Here is how you can win:
This is your mandatory entry:
You must Leave a comment telling me what you like to make. Or what you like that other people make. And leave a link to it so we can all go see it if possible.Or just any respectable comment, really.
*No whining, though. Nobody needs to win baby cupcakes, seriously. Do not leave me a story about how your neighbor has this cousin who has a baby who has a dog needing a quintuple bypass and these are the favorite treats of the dog. You will be disqualified. Also? Don't feed these to your dog! Okay, back to our scheduled programming.
Then, you can do these things for additional entries.
***NEW Add my button to your blog for 3 additional entries. Leave a link so we can see.***
Follow me on blogger and you can take an extra entry. Be sure to leave a comment saying you did.
Follow any/all of my other blogs on blogger for an extra entry. Leave a comment here so I know. They are listed across the top. If You Could See What I See, Auntie Kitten, & Suck/Rock.
Subscribe to this blog or any/all of my other blogs and leave a separate comment for each one.
If you blog about this you can give yourself 5 additional entries. Yes, really, leave 5 comments for your 5 entries. Leave a link to your blog so we can see.
Really, you can do whatever you think is worthy of an entry and give yourself an entry. So many of you know the drill.
Tweet about this giveaway (you can do this as often as twice a day) and come back here and leave a link to your tweet. In case you hate thinking up your own giveaway tweets here is one you can use:
"Win a dozen gourmet cupcake pops at Funnel Full of Soup"
This giveaway will end at whatever time on May 1st I get around to doing the drawing. Because it is all about precision with me.
Good luck everyone!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
How To Eat A Cupcake Pop, As demonstrated by Haley

*photos taken by MVOM (My Very Own Mother)
I'd try Green Mountain Summer Safari Blend and Green Mountain Perfect Peach